Friday, September 25, 2009

National Night Out

The Roosevelt Park Neighborhood Association will again be participating in the National Night Out celebration on October 6, and can use your help. As you know, we do not collect any type of membership dues and typically serve what members volunteer to donate.

We plan to serve hot dogs on buns with hot dog sauce; the franks will be provided by Councilwoman Ramos.

We also plan to serve watermelon, chips and punch and either a pinata or candy bags for the young ones; we hope to also have gift cards for adults and items for kids as door prizes.

If you can and would like to donate one of the above items for the celebration, be certain that we would certainly appreciate it! ... a bag of chips, a can of hot dog sauce, a bag of candy....a bottle of mustard, etc. Please let me know if you can give us a helping hand.

A most sincere Thank you!

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