Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Community Leadership Institute

Beginning in June, the Community Leadership Institute is offering free training sessions for grassroots people to get a better understanding of consensus building, communication and organizing within the community. This is an incredible opportunity, and we hope some folks in the neighborhood will apply.

CLI is an annual, tuition-free program for men and women who live, work or volunteer in low-income neighborhoods in the San Antonio area. The experiential, curriculum-based program promotes a transformational, servant-leader model that builds on individuals’ gifts and passion for improving conditions in their communities. From June through November, CLI participants meet one Saturday a month for classroom instruction. The diverse faculty of community leaders and professionals bring a wealth of resources and connections to the classroom that alumni are able to access after they graduate.

CLI participants practice shared leadership and teamwork by collectively planning and carrying out a project before graduation. They develop budgets and written requests for up to $1,000 in seed money. A significant amount of learning and personal growth occurs through this essential component of CLI. A certificate of completion is awarded at graduation only to those who attend a minimum of five (5) training sessions and participate in the class project.

If you would like the application, drop me a line and I'll email it directly to you.

More information is at www.communityleadershipinstitute.org

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