Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Roosevelt Avenue Metro Corridor Overlay

What is Roosevelt Avenue to you?

Everyone with a stake in the future of Roosevelt Avenue is being called upon by the City's Planning and Development Services Department to answer this question.

With the new multi-use public library development at the Mission Drive-In site as a catalyst, the Department, in cooperation with District 3 City Councilwoman Jennifer Ramos, is bringing community residents and business owners together and forming a planning committee to discuss infrastructure priorities, as well as short-term and long-term reinvestment strategies for the corridor, stretching from the first block of Roosevelt Avenue, near Roosevelt Park, south to Loop 410.

If there is enough community will and if good, practical ideas are brought to the table, zoning for the corridor can be addressed to help steer future development in directions we, the community, think are most appropriate. This includes infrastructure but also overall aesthetics, and the even the types of businesses allowed to locate on Roosevelt Avenue. This is a project with a long-term view, and new zoning rules will affect future development, not existing properties.

There are representatives from the area neighborhood associations on the planning committee, so if you have thoughts, ideas or concerns, please get ahold of your neighborhood association. If you would like to be a member of the planning committee, either contact your neighborhood association, or Michael Taylor at the Neighborhoods & Urban Design Section of the City's Planning & Development Services Department, at 1901 S. Alamo, phone number 210.207.0145.

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