Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Meetings to Discuss Transportation in San Antonio

from the San Antonio Express-News:

"San Antonio residents have two more chances to speak up about recent research that shows they'll end up paying more if the metropolitan area keeps crystallizing growth around driving habits rather than walking and transit.
Building sprawling subdivisions that force people into cars for most of their trips could strain public funds for highways and transit to the tune of $4.6 billion through 2035, according to Alliance Transportation Group, a nationwide planning and engineering firm.
But if much of the development was concentrated in higher densities along key corridors, making it easier for people to walk to transit stations and a variety of destinations, the cost might be trimmed to $4.1 billion, said the firm, which is doing work for the Metropolitan Planning Organization.
The agency has since been holding public meetings to hear what commuters think. The task is to figure out how best to cram an estimated 600,000 additional people into Bexar County, swelling the population to 2.2 million, including 1.6 million motorists driving 60 million miles a day."

The last two meetings, with open houses starting at 6 p.m. and workshops from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., will be:
Tuesday at the St Philip's College Heritage Room at 1801 Martin Luther King Drive.
•Wednesday at the VIA Metropolitan Transit Metro Center at 1021 San Pedro Ave.

Read more here.

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