Saturday, December 18, 2010


The Lone Star/Roosevelt Park hike and bike trail opens officially today! Join us for guided educational tours offered by the San Antonio River Authority about the project and the ecosystme restoration. The four tours are as follows:

10:15 a.m. (led by Lee Marlow), 10:45 a.m. (led by Matthew Driffill), 11:15 a.m. (led by Lee) and 11:45 a.m. (led by Matthew) on December 18th.

The tours will start near the little covered pavilion and basketball court along the Mission Reach trail on the east bank of the river in Roosevelt Park, head south along the east bank to the first pedestrian bridge, cross over and head back north to Lonestar Blvd., cross back over and return to the pavilion. It’s a short walk, but I think it provides ample time and opportunity to educate the attendees about all the wonderful ecosystem restoration taking place along the Mission Reach as well as describe the recreational opportunities. SARA has also installed a series of educational signage to help tell the story of all the facets of the Mission Reach and ecosystem restoration. This educational signage will be in place until the additional permanent project signage is installed later in 2011.

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