Thursday, February 26, 2009

New Roosevelt Avenue Zoning Overlay

Comment on this post if you think you might attend. I am going and would like to coordinate with any other neighbors intending on being a part of this process. Thanks.

As part of a new District 3 initiative, the City of San Antonio will be working on creating a new zoning overlay district for the Roosevelt Avenue corridor. Planning and Development Services are currently forming a Planning Team to look at potential enhancements (public & private). The primary function of the Planning Team will be to develop site and building design standards for new construction along Roosevelt Ave. These standards will be incorporated into a new zoning overlay district that will run along both sides of Roosevelt.
In addition, the Team could develop guidelines for the redesign of the Roosevelt roadway itself, provide recommendations for changes to the base zoning districts (determine allowable land uses) along Roosevelt, form an implementation team, and address other issues affecting the area.
The corridor overlay district creation and designation process normally entails 5-6 planning team meetings and 2 public meetings. Planning teams typically meet once or twice per month. The Team will decide on meeting dates, times and locations.
We will be holding an information session for those interested in being a part of the Planning Team at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, March 3 at the Roosevelt Park Community Facility (331 Roosevelt Avenue).

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Townhall Meeting this coming Monday

Strengthening & Empowering Community

Monday, February 23 2009
6:00 pm—8:00 pm
Progresso Community Center, 1306 Guadalupe St.

a statement from the organizers:
"During Fall 2008, our meetings involved our large District 5 Religious Community, SAPD, SAISD, COSA, SAHA, and interested residents in finding solutions to neighborhood safety concerns. With guidance from our participants, we are now ready to embark on the action stage toward community empowerment. This project is important to all our residents that want to know how to become empowered and positively impact District 5. Please join us! Light dinner will be provided."

Friday, February 20, 2009

Automated Garbage & Recycling

The city has finally added our neighborhood to the list of residents that will be in the automated and recycling program. This will hopefully reduce the amount of trash on the streets, clean up the streetscape, and allow ease of disposal.

PLEASE USE THE RECYCLING BINS! My wife and I began using the smaller green recycling bin last year, and we reduced our trash disposal to one small bag once a week.

THE CITY ALSO ENCOURAGES COMPOSTING. This is a very easy way to dispose of the natural products you have in your kitchen after cooking. It also reduces the waste in the garbage bin and reduces/eliminates the smell of your kitchen's garbage can. And, of course, it's amazing fertilizer for your grass/garden.

Here's a link for more information on this subject. You should receive your new bins in Mid-March.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Fritos recipes

The empire that is Frito-Lay got its start in the Roosevelt Park Neighborhood in 1932, when Charles Elmer Doolin bought the recipe for Fritos from a Mexican man who was selling bags of the little fried masa that was already popular on Mexican beaches.

Louise of the Months of Edible Celebrations blog wrote a brief and includes some of her favorite recipes for Fritos. Click here.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Café con Lourdes

District 5 Councilwoman Lourdes Galvan invites neighbors to her "Café con Lourdes." This is an "Oprah" type setting where, instead of presenters giving a presentation, it will take the form of a comfortable conversation. Ramon Flores, Executive Director of Westside Development Corporation, will be facilitating this month's Café, which will focus on social services.

Tuesday February 17, 9 am - 10:30am
at Guadalupe Street Coffee
1310 Guadalupe Street