Saturday, August 14, 2010

Historic Homeowner Fair

August 28, 2010, 9 A.M. to 2 P.M.
Municipal Auditorium 
100 Auditorium Circle , San Antonio, TX 78205

Join us Saturday, August 28th, for the second annual City of San Antonio Office of Historic Preservation Historic Homeowner Fair. The fair will include sessions on repairing wood windows, “green” living in older neighborhoods, appropriate repairs and additions to historic properties, kids activities and more. In the Exhibitors’ Hall find products and services of interest to owners of older homes.

Free and open to the public, the fair provides citizens and professionals a unique opportunity to interact and discuss issues related to caring for homes more than 50 years old.

If you are interested in becoming a Historic Homeowner Fair exhibitor or sponsor,  please contact Amy Unger at the City of San Antonio Office of Historic Preservation for space availability and reservations.

And don’t miss your chance to register for the Window Restoration Workshop offered by the Office of Historic Preservation and the UTSA School of Architecture,  August 20-21.  Visit our website at for more  information on this and other upcoming preservation events.

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