Here’s your chance to learn another way to save resources and money. Green Spaces is holding our second work(ing)shop of the year.
Seed Collection and Storage
Saturday, May 8, 2010 from 9am to 12pm
Community Gardens of St. Therese
906 W. Kentucky Avenue (behind the Basilica of the Little Flower, near Zarzamora and Culebra)
At this workshop, we will have Josh Greene from the St. Andrew’s Seed Bank with us to discuss:
1. the philosophy and reasons for saving seeds;
2. how to ensure good quality seeds;
3. common techniques for preparing seeds for storage; and
4. best storage practices.
The presentation will include hands-on opportunities for you to
1. identify seeds that are ready to harvest;
2. select seeds from various vegetables, herbs and flowers;
3. remove seeds from pods, fruit, etc.;
4. start the cleaning process for the various types of seeds;
5. start the drying process for seeds; and
6. figure out which simple tools you already have for proper storage.
As donations come in, participants may go home with seeds, seed saving envelopes and containers.
We look forward to spending time in this garden with representatives from all 25 community gardens.
Pass the word. Everyone must RSVP for this free and open-to-the-public workshop!