Thursday, August 13, 2009

Rezoning near Roosevelt Park

A neighbor inquired Micah Diaz of the Planning & Development Services Department regarding the appearance of yellow "Rezoning" signs around Roosevelt Park. This is Ms. Diaz's response.

The Roosevelt Avenue corridor (from just north of Mission Road to Loop
410 in the south) is the subject of two City-initiated zoning cases,
Z2009134 and Z2009135.

Many of the properties along this section of Roosevelt have intense
commercial and industrial zoning. The goal of the rezoning effort is to
apply zoning districts to this corridor that continue to allow
commercial development, but to do so in a more controlled manner. This
is zoning case Z2009134.

Additionally, the City is applying an overlay zoning district to the
Roosevelt corridor, called "MC-1" Metropolitan Corridor Overlay
District-1. This overlay district will implement some design standards
for new construction (including materials, landscaping, signage,
screening, and lighting guidelines). This is zoning case Z2009135.

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